Its special can be a potential game-saver, being able to kill enemies after you run out of ammo. Gameplay The concept of Horror's passive is very helpful, as it gives a higher chance to have all your relevant mutations to build around any weapon. MeltdownDoubles your Radiation capacity, increasing the amount of rads Horror can use for its active ability and Ultra Weapons. Using the beam for extended periods of time now heals Horror (1 HP for every 1.5 seconds). Throne Butt Horror's radiation beam gets wider twice as fast. When the beam hits a wall, the used radiation is lost. Shooting a Proto Statue with the beam charges the statue with radiation. or Small Green Rats) will drop radiation if damaged by the beam. Destroyed props or killed enemies that normally don't drop rads (like the I.D.P.D. Horror doesn't attract rads for 3 seconds after using the beam, but walking over the rads will pick them up. Enemies killed with the beam will drop back all rads you used to deal damage, to refill your meter up to its original state. It can't be deflected, but gets negated by Shielders. The beam gets wider the longer you shoot it, dealing more damage and covering more space as a result. Beam particles get cleared in a small area where an enemy projectile was destroyed, which means you lose the rads used to fire those beam particles. The beam can also destroy enemy projectiles. Each particle does one damage, which means the beam does 30 damage per second. The experience usage does not dip into previous levels that radiation was already used for mutations. Horror's special shoots a green beam of tightly packed particles, using your Rads (experience) as ammo.